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2011,The training schedule of Gong liuzi Tea Ceremony Court
来源: | 作者:zgcysnet | 发布时间: 2018-06-16 | 998 次浏览 | 分享到:

2011The training schedule of Gong liuzi Tea Ceremony Court

For convenience of the training and examing about home and abroad tea art lover and tea assessment learner, theTea Ceremony Court of Gong Liuzi has published the all-year training schedule ,2011

Tea specialist training and the tea taster  assessment ,National will taking on the 13th afternoon (13:3016:30),per month ,except for the Feb.

Adress:Jiaogong Road59 Hangzhou, Gong Liuzi Tea Ceremony Court.

You can enroll and pay part of money in advance, our will deliver the traning materials to you.you can study beforehand to improve the face to face teaching Other tea specialist performance training other place traning and individual exceptions training, which can get in touch with the teacher miss Hu Tel:0571---88210937


1st——6th The Primary Tea specialist training class of Gong Liuzi Tea Ceremony Court

7th——13th TheIntermediate Tea specialist training class National

At the same time: Intermediate assessment tea training class , National.

15th---18th The Japanese Tea ceremony training class


February , 2011

12th---18th The Intermediate Tea specialist training class, National.

At the same time : Intermediate Assessment Tea training class, National.( We welcome the art of tea lover who obtained the certificate of intermediate Tea specialist to take part in the high-ranking assessment tea training class)

20th---24th The Korea Tea ceremony training class.


March ,2011

1st ---6th The Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13th The Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate Assessment Tea training class, National

15th---21st The high-ranking Tea specialist training class(At the same time:15th---21st The high-ranking Assessment Tea training class)


April, 2011

1st---6th The Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13th The Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate Assessment Tea training class, National

15th---18th The Japanese Tea ceremony training class

19th---22nd The Korea Tea ceremony training class.


May, 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate assessment tea training class, National

15th---21stThe high-ranking Tea specialist training class , National(At the same time:15th---21st The high-ranking assessment tea training class)


June, 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate Assessment Tea training class, National

15th---18th The Korea Tea ceremony training class


July, 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate assessment tea training class, National

15th---21stThe high-ranking Tea specialist training class , National(At the same time:15th---21st The high-ranking assessment tea training class)


August, 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class, national (the class of summer holiday )

At the same time: The Intermediate assessment tea training class, National

15th---20th The technician of tea ceremony(second-level, National) training class, National

At the same time :The master of assessment tea(second-level, National) traning class, National


September, 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate assessment tea training class, National


October, 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate assessment tea training class, National

14th The old tea intern lecture class(the appeciate and taste of  the up twenty years Fuzhuan tea black tea and pu’er tea)

15th---21stThe high-ranking Tea specialist training class , National


November 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class, national

At the same time: The Intermediate assessment tea training class, National

15th---18th The Japanese Tea ceremony training class

19th---22nd The Korea Tea ceremony training class.


December, 2011

1st---6thThe Primary Tea ceremony training class

7th---13thThe Immediate Tea specialist training class,National

7th---13th The Intermediate assessment tea training class, National

(At the same time:The high-ranking assessment tea training class)




The China's Tea specialist, doctoral tutor Professor Zhou Wentang,

The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences researcher  Yu Fu Lian,

Tea Research Institute of Zhejiang University Professor Tang Yi, will take the teaching work.






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